While many of our clients produce CPA compilations, reviews, or audits, we also understand the reality that many vertically integrated affordable housing / LIHTC developers retain Equity on the personal balance sheets of the owners. Because of this we do not wholly rely on corporate financial presentation. We also know the importance of understanding the function of construction period debt & equity funding, which is essentially a “no money down” scenario. Because we thoroughly understand the LIHTC process, we are able to provide P&P bonds with pricing that makes sense for the developer.
Underwriting requirements include financial information on the construction, development, and management divisions, personal financial statements of majority owners, and project information.
Have a project you need to bond? Call the chairman Matthew Clarke at 843-872-8165 or email at mc@lihtcbonds.com
Or download and submit this form.
We can also handle your other bond needs as developer such as Storm Water Maintenance, Erosion Control, Grading, Paving, Storm Drainage, Warranty, Installation of Improvements, Infrastructure, Plat, Subdivision, Public Improvement Bonds, Turning Lane / Right of Way Bonds, DOT and other bonds. Reach any representative by calling our main switchboard at (843) 212-5254 or download and send this form to newbond@cigbonds.com.
We are seasoned surety experts and everyday, we put those years of experience to work for you.
Hundreds of contractors rely on us for their bonds.
Let us do the same for you.